Posted by Bingo Trappers | Posted in News | Posted on 08-06-2012
Nine Songs from the Handsome Pouch. Well, what can I say. Apart from the fact that I’ve got tons of time now – my job’s been cancelled, that’s what happened. Here’s your 2012. Basically. Well, let’s see what we’ve got in the pouch, so you can save all your blessings for later. Shit happens sometimes, that’s the main lesson. How about some vlierbloesemlimonade on the side. Wow, what’s that? Generally, I’m providing you some BT-stuff we recorded in 2007-2008, and I’m still feeling raveneous about it. Yes, I really do. The thing is, Nine Songs from… had a boastful announcement on our former website, but then the server crashed and on top of that there was also something definitely wrong with the server’s back-ups… That’s why I (and so the rest of the world) kinda lost track of these songs, nine in fact, ready to beat all worldwide crisis with the bottom line: it’s gotta be good… It’s an album, I’m a fan of this band.
If you’d like to order Nine Songs from the Handsome Pouch (comes with a unica textile sleeve): mail to We’ll figure something out…